Luke Richardson-Foulger is a PhD student with the King’s Earth Observation and Wildfire research group, funded by the London NERC DTP. Luke specialises in peatland wildfires and smouldering combustion, to better understand the greenhouse gas emissions of wildfires and their role within the climate. Their primary goals during the PhD include quantifying the changes in carbon sequestration in the pre- and post-fire regimes in wetland ecosystems; understanding trace gas emissions from smouldering combustion, how they correlate with primary gases and how they may threaten human health; mapping and understanding the dynamics of elusive ‘overwintering’ fires.
Luke earned a master’s degree in Physics from Durham University and has worked as a research associate at the University of Glasgow where they developed coastal remote sensing products to better understand coastal erosion.
King’s College London, Bush House (NE wing), 30 Aldwych, London, WC2B 4BG